-- PRESS REVIEWS -- "The Sandbox is a fantastically inventive mobile game that encourages players to create entire worlds and works of art!" Cult Of Mac
"It’s kind of hard to get bored with so many toys to play with.” 4,5/5 148Apps
“The Sandbox straddles the border between game and art project, rewarding players for creativity while giving them near-infinite possibilities.” 4/5 TouchArcade
"Pixowl正致力于自MINECRAFT以来的下一个巨作" 4,5/5 148Apps
-- GAME PRESENTATION -- 想象一下创造出属于你自己的世界 (全部采用漂亮的像素画),与人类或僵尸一起玩游戏,谱写出属于你自己的音乐,以及更多更多的内容!宇宙任由你去创造或毁灭,没有做不到,只有想不到!