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Action online RPG with ultimate graphics [AVABEL ONLINE]

AVABEL ONLINE is a 3D-MMORPG that delivers the best in smartphone graphics.
Users can enjoy the games exhilarating features, such as smooth combo strikes, sequential attacks with jump action, etc in the same world. Enjoy hunting monsters and quests in the MMO field "Main Tower" (multiplayer field), or the "Dungeon" in the MO Field (Played by parties or by solo), the PvP (Player versus player), or the tower scramble where a max of 1000 players fight each other in real time all with the best graphics.

The following functions have been added on the update performed on Monday, March 23th.

--- Added Wonderer's new advanced class
--> Wonderer's advanced class "Battle Dancer" added

--- Expansion for arms production functions
- Can now change the level limits higher for arms by production.
- No more limits for the selectable material amounts when enhancing arms.

--- Adjustments for each UI and display functions
- Displayed damages for enemies at WVW.
- Items in Shop box will be displayed sorted from the newest items.
- Showing the notice when players select the dispose/sell for rare Item(s).
- Improvement on the processing for Item produce/evolve
- Can hide own character's Name and HP bar from Option

--- Added new Arms
- Status will be randomly attached to the won arms.
--- Added new Items
- Crysta Case (Sub baggage which storages equipment)

The following functions have been added on the update performed on saturday, December 20th.

--- New advanced classes released for each classes
- Added Warrior's new advanced class "Blader"
- Added Rogue's new advanced class "Raiden"
- Added Ranger's new advanced class "Double Barrel "
- Added Magician's new advanced class "Ignite"
- Added Acolyte's new advanced class "Angelus"
- Added Creator's new advanced class "Planter"
- Added Wonderer's new advanced class "Geo Dancer"

--- Released New Map
- Added new map "Old Castle Area" on "Main Tower" 28th-30th floors

--- New Challenge Dungeon added
- Added "Beast Advent" on Sat/Sun Challenge Dungeon

--- New effects were added
- New effect on Rare Item drop
- New effect on winning rare Item at Pack
- New effect on Quest completion
- New effect on Enhance/Evolve
- New effect on Class Change

--- Monster Type Function added
- Added "type" to the monsters
- Added "type" to the Arms

--- New data added on "Monster Book"
- Added Element/Type information on "Monster Book"

--- Additional Short Cut function
- Added the registering arms function on Short Cut
- Additional pages on Short Cut
* These additional pages on Short Cut are only applied for players who purchased the all Monthly Tickets as Gold, Silver, and Bronze.


更新时间: 2015-06-26
版本: 3.6.0
开发商: ASOBIMO,Inc.
兼容性: 需要 iOS 5.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5 优化。






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