本iOS版QQ牧场与其他平台的QQ牧场共享动物数据、用户等级和经验数据。 但腾讯的虚拟货币(Q币、Q点)以及任何在其他平台中购买的QQ牧场游戏代币或道具均无法在iOS版QQ牧场中使用。 This iOS version of QQ牧场 may share user data and game data with versions of QQ牧场 on other platforms ("Other Versions"). However, in-game virtual currency (such as Q币 and Q点) or other virtual items purchased in or available from the Other Versions, cannot be transferred to this iOS version of QQ牧场, and such virtual currency and virtual items available in the Other Versions cannot be purchased in this iOS version of QQ牧场.