Cartoon Survivor is an adventure runner, set in a beautiful vibrant 3D world where you run, jump and glide through death defying obstacle courses full of feisty creatures and hazardous environments. You must help Doo Doo get to the finish line before time runs out!
Cartoon Survivor is the producer’s last chance for a TV mega hit and ratings are at rock bottom. Following the demise of his last ‘hero’ the producer is currently reviewing applications for cartoons bravest idiot to star in the show. As the (only) successful applicant, Doo Doo must survive cartoons ultimate test; completing a number of death defying runs through hostile prehistoric environments before the dynamite strapped to his back explodes!
It’s Doo Doo’s last chance at hitting the big time and your big opportunity to help him survive Cartoon Survivor.
Features · EXPLORE four incredible prehistoric worlds · STUNNING HD graphics · DISCOVER hidden paths and caves · AVOID ferocious enemies and obstacles · RUN, JUMP and GLIDE your way to glory · COMPETE via Game Center leaderboards and achievements · RECORD and post your runs online via Everyplay · CUSTOMIZE with a huge range of costumes · UNLOCK ability enabled helmets and trophies