

模拟遥控飞机(Absolute RC Heli Sim)

模拟遥控飞机(Absolute RC Heli Sim)

| 67.85 MB



RC helicopter simulator. Realistic model behavior, lifelike heli models and flying fields. Do not fly your real model before trying this program! Will save you many $$ and days in waiting for model parts. Crashing model here cost nothing. Learn to fly without fear. Rain or wind outside, start flying right now!

If purchased model did not download (due to bad data connection), please do not worry - the purchases are never lost:
1. Uninstall the app.
2. Install the app, then tap on "Restore Purchases".
If still having problems, please e-mail support@rcflightsim.com and we will help!

1. This is not a game. You are controlling flying RC models that reacts like real flying models. It takes some time to learn, and again, do not expect "arcade" style controls.
2. The onscreen control sticks are just indicators! They are made small so they do not obscure the screen.

*** You do not need to keep your fingers on them ***

Sliding your finger anywhere on the right screen half affects the right control stick , the same for the left screen part - sliding finger there moves the left control stick.

We suggest selecting beginner settings at first few days before you can comfortably progress further.


更新时间: 2015-06-25
版本: 2.66.0
开发商: Happy Bytes LLC
兼容性: 需要 iOS 4.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone 3GS、iPhone 4、iPhone 4S、iPhone 5、iPhone 5c、iPhone 5s、iPhone 6、iPhone 6 Plus、iPad、iPod touch (第 3 代)、iPod touch (第 4 代) 和 iPod touch (第 5 代) 兼容。 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5 优化。






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